Human Welfare Foundation has since its inception carried out various developmental activities through its own funds. These activities/ programs are carried out each year with a view to create awareness amongst the community members on topics like plantation, environment, conservation of natural resources, importance of education, school enrollment campaign, awareness on HIV AIDs, organic farming etc. Following are some of the programs carried out this year viz.

Organic farming

The organizations works with the marginalized farmers from the region and have always promoted use of organic farming practices amongst the farming community from the region. HWF has introduced improved composting techniques, imparting trainings on bio fertilizers and pesticides, promotion of appropriate sustainable agricultural practices, farm field school, demonstration plots, organic farming, NPM, IPM practices, introduction of LIESA techniques, improved farm implements and technologies have impacted favorably by increasing productivity and bolstering the incomes and livelihood of the communities. Certain interventions like establishment of kitchen gardens around homesteads have resulted in enhanced food and nutritional security.

Under this activity the organization has imparted trainings to farming groups from its operation area on organic farming practices with an aim to reduce the input cost of farming and increase in crop productivity.

SHG /JLG Training Program

It has been observed that many of the SHGs / JLGs formed (either by the organization or other organization) lack knowledge about the basics such as book keeping, meeting norms, internal lending systems, recovery mechanisms, bank linkages, entrepreneurship etc as a result of which such SHGs and JLGs becomes non functional after a certain period. For rejuvenating such non functional SHGs / JLGs through refresher skill building and motivational trainings an attempt was made through the instant program. In this training program held at Anantnag the SHG members were imparted trainings on maintenance of books of accounts, meeting minutes, internal lending systems. The participating SHG members were motivated for availing loans from banks and for starting small enterprises so that they could become financially self reliant. In this training program total 145 women SHG members from 48 SHGs participated. Many of the participants expressed their desire for starting any venture however at the same time expressed their inability of having technical knowledge of the same. The organization keeping this into mind assured them of imparting with technical/vocational training program so that they could start their own enterprises. It is pertinent to note that already HWF has imparted skill trainings to number of women through the support of FVTRS, Kherwadi Social Welfare Association and NABARD, however the demand for such skill / vocational training is more and hence the organization plans to undertake such skill building programs on large scale with inclusion of all sections of society on a range of vocational trades

Environment Awareness Program

Under this activity the villagers from 8 villages from the Anantnag district were oriented about environment protection and preservation through orientation workshop of one day duration held at Anantnag. In this workshop total 80 villagers participated who were imparted with knowledge pertaining to the evil effects of excessive tree felling, use of chemical fertilizers, plastic bags, improper utilization, preservation and conservation of water, soil and natural resources and the consequent changes in the rainfall, snowfall and soil fertility. The participating villagers were urged to undertake appropriate steps for preserving and conserving the soil, water and forest resources so as to ensure timely and evenly rainfall. The participants resolved not to cut trees for fire wood purposes. The participants were also distributed with literature and IEC materials for further propagating the same in their respective villages

Awareness on HIV AIDs

The dreaded disease HIV/AID is slowly spreading its ambit in the rural parts of the country too. However still many of the villagers are ignorant about the causes and the preventive measure which needs to be undertaken for defeating this disease. The organization therefore carried out an awareness campaign in its project area wherein the community members were oriented about the causes for this disease and the preventions which needs to be undertaken by individuals. The community members were also distributed with pamphlets comprising of useful information. The community members were also informed about the Anti Retroviral therapy which is provided free of costs at the government hospitals. The organization activists explained to the community members about the various means through which HIV /AIDs could be contacted of transmitted and appealed to all to take adequate precautions for preventing the same

Emergency medical camps

Winter brings in heavy or light snow fall which results in lots of hardships for poor families from Kashmir region. The poor people are the worst sufferers, with lack of food and essential storage for winter season they hardly have any provision for arranging cozy blankets, warm clothes, essential medicines etc for their family members. Due to exposure to severe cold the children and aged family members of such poor families constantly face severe cold related health hazards.

The organization Human Welfare Foundation (HWF), implemented the activity of distribution of winter relief kits with the support of Central Jamia Mosque Madni and Education Center Halifax, & Markazi Jamia Masjid Riza Huddersfield, through Muslim Charities. HWF identified such poor families from Anantnag District and provided them with items necessary for their survival during the harsh winter season. The winter relief kit provided to such selected 315 poor families included items such as pheran (traditional woolen gowns), hot water bottles, shoes, blankets etc. The winter relief kits distributed to the beneficiaries helped them combat the severe cold and protect their family members from getting sick by severe cold. Following are some of the major outcomes of the activity of providing winter relief kits to community members from Anantnag district viz

  • Total 315 poor households could be provided with articles such as pheran (traditional woolen gowns), hot water bottles, shoes, blankets etc
  • Beneficiaries from total 17 villages namely Charakpora, Hapatnard, Nagbal, Boispora, Ganiepora, Halmullah, Chairward, Khayar, Batagund, Fatehpora, Dooru, Verinag, Chogund, Wanpoh, Dialgam, Sarnal and Khanabal village were covered under this activity
  • Ratio of poor people suffering from winter related ailments from the targeted 17 villages were reduced considerably
  • Winter life of approximately 1260 rs from 315 households was made bearable and withstood the chilly cold winter season.
  • Children and aged persons had been protected from severe cold winters

School Enrollment Campaign

This activity is carried out by the organization every year. The main objective of carrying out this activity is to ensure that every child from the region should be in full time formal schools. The organization believes that it is every child’s right to get education and is one of the non negotiable which is strictly adhered to by the organization. There is a considerable number of children who are either school drop outs or have never been enrolled in formal schools. The organization activists each year identifies such children from its project areas through enrollment campaigns and strives to mainstream such out of school children back in full time formal schools through the bridge courses. This year HWF has mainstreamed total 48 students of various age group back in full time formal schools.